Important terms in Human Resource Management/ Personnel Management
Human Resources
The total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organisation’s workforce, as well as the value, attitudes and beliefs of individuals involved
Human Resource Management (HRM)
HRM refers to a set of programmes, functions and activities designed and carried out in order to maximise both employee as well as organisational effectiveness.
Human Resource Management is a function of guiding human resources into a dynamic organisation that attains its objectives with a high degree of morale and to the satisfaction of those concerned.
HRM is that phase of management which deals with the effective control and use of manpower as distinguished from other sources of power.
The management of human resources is viewed as a system in which participants seeks to attain both individual and group goals.
The objective of HRM is to understand what has happened and is happening and to be prepared for that will happen in the area of working relationships between the managers and the managed.
Manpower/Human Resource Planning
It is the process of determining manpower requirements and the means for meeting those requirements in order to carry out the integrated plan of the organisation.”
Job Analysis
Job analysis is the process of determining, by observation and study, and reporting pertinent information relating to the nature of s specific job. It is the determination of the tasks which comprise the job and of the skills, knowledge, abilities and responsibilities required of the worker of a successful performance and which differentiate one job from all others
Job Description
It is an organised, factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific job. In brief it should tell what is to be done, how it is done and why? It is a standard of function, in that it defines the appropriate and authorised content of a job.
Job Specification
Job specification or man specification or employee specification is a statement of the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job properly. In contrast to the job description it is a standard of personnel and designates the qualities required for acceptable performance.

Job Evaluation
Job evaluation is an attempt to determine and compare demands which the normal performance of a particular job makes on normal workers without taking into account the individual abilities on performance of the workers concerned.”
Absenteeism means the failure of a worker to report for work when he is scheduled to work. Labour Turnover
Labour turnover refers to the rate of change in the workforce of an enterprise during a given time period.
Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organisation.
Recruitment Policy
Recruitment policy specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for the implementation of the recruitment programme.
Selection involves picking for hire a subset of workers from the total set of workers who have applied for the job.
Interview is a face-to-face, observational and personal appraisal method of evaluating the applicant where the interviewer who is higher in status is in a dominant role.
It is a decision to place a selected individual in one job than in another.
It is the process of inducting a new employee into the new social setting of his work.
A promotion takes place when an employee moves to a position higher than the one formerly occupied.
Dry Promotion
When there is no increase in the employee’s pay as a result of promotion it is called as a dry promotion.
It is a downward movement of an employee in the organisational hierarchy with lower pay, status or responsibilities.
A transfer implies a lateral movement of an employee in the hierarchy of positions with the same pay and status.
Training and Development
The organised procedure by which people learn knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose is training.
Job Rotation
This type of training involves the movement of the trainee from one job to another.
Management Development Programme
It is a systematic process of growth and development by which the managers develop their abilities to manage.
It is a sequence of separate but related work activities that provides continuity, order and meaning in a person’s life.

It is defined as any idea, need, emotion or organic stage, that prompts a man to an action.
Job Satisfaction
It refers to the feelings and the emotional aspects of individuals experience towards his jobs,
Performance Appraisal
It is the systematic, periodic and an impartial rating of an employees’ excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job.
Management By Objectives (MBO)
It is a process whereby the supervisor and subordinate managers of an organisation jointly identify its common goals, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in terms of unit and assessing the contributions of each of its members.
Trade Unions
It is a voluntary organisation of workers formed to promote and protect their interests by collective action.
Collective Bargaining
It refers to a process by which employers on the one hand and representatives on the other, attempt to arrive at agreements covering the conditions under which employees will contribute and be compensated for their services.
Workers Participation in Management
It is a process by which authority and responsibility of managing industry are shared with workers.
Job Design
It is the process of deciding on the contents of a job in terms of its duties and responsibilities, on the methods to be used in carrying out the job, in terms of techniques, systems and procedures and on the relationships that should exist between the job holder and his superiors, subordinates and colleagues.
The total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organisation’s workforce, as well as the value, attitudes and beliefs of individuals involved
Human Resource Management (HRM)
HRM refers to a set of programmes, functions and activities designed and carried out in order to maximise both employee as well as organisational effectiveness.
Human Resource Management is a function of guiding human resources into a dynamic organisation that attains its objectives with a high degree of morale and to the satisfaction of those concerned.
HRM is that phase of management which deals with the effective control and use of manpower as distinguished from other sources of power.
The management of human resources is viewed as a system in which participants seeks to attain both individual and group goals.
The objective of HRM is to understand what has happened and is happening and to be prepared for that will happen in the area of working relationships between the managers and the managed.
Manpower/Human Resource Planning
It is the process of determining manpower requirements and the means for meeting those requirements in order to carry out the integrated plan of the organisation.”
Job Analysis
Job analysis is the process of determining, by observation and study, and reporting pertinent information relating to the nature of s specific job. It is the determination of the tasks which comprise the job and of the skills, knowledge, abilities and responsibilities required of the worker of a successful performance and which differentiate one job from all others
Job Description
It is an organised, factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific job. In brief it should tell what is to be done, how it is done and why? It is a standard of function, in that it defines the appropriate and authorised content of a job.
Job Specification
Job specification or man specification or employee specification is a statement of the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job properly. In contrast to the job description it is a standard of personnel and designates the qualities required for acceptable performance.

Job Evaluation
Job evaluation is an attempt to determine and compare demands which the normal performance of a particular job makes on normal workers without taking into account the individual abilities on performance of the workers concerned.”
Absenteeism means the failure of a worker to report for work when he is scheduled to work. Labour Turnover
Labour turnover refers to the rate of change in the workforce of an enterprise during a given time period.
Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organisation.
Recruitment Policy
Recruitment policy specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for the implementation of the recruitment programme.
Selection involves picking for hire a subset of workers from the total set of workers who have applied for the job.
Interview is a face-to-face, observational and personal appraisal method of evaluating the applicant where the interviewer who is higher in status is in a dominant role.
It is a decision to place a selected individual in one job than in another.
It is the process of inducting a new employee into the new social setting of his work.
A promotion takes place when an employee moves to a position higher than the one formerly occupied.
Dry Promotion
When there is no increase in the employee’s pay as a result of promotion it is called as a dry promotion.
It is a downward movement of an employee in the organisational hierarchy with lower pay, status or responsibilities.
A transfer implies a lateral movement of an employee in the hierarchy of positions with the same pay and status.
Training and Development
The organised procedure by which people learn knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose is training.
Job Rotation
This type of training involves the movement of the trainee from one job to another.
Management Development Programme
It is a systematic process of growth and development by which the managers develop their abilities to manage.
It is a sequence of separate but related work activities that provides continuity, order and meaning in a person’s life.

It is defined as any idea, need, emotion or organic stage, that prompts a man to an action.
Job Satisfaction
It refers to the feelings and the emotional aspects of individuals experience towards his jobs,
Performance Appraisal
It is the systematic, periodic and an impartial rating of an employees’ excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job.
Management By Objectives (MBO)
It is a process whereby the supervisor and subordinate managers of an organisation jointly identify its common goals, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in terms of unit and assessing the contributions of each of its members.
Trade Unions
It is a voluntary organisation of workers formed to promote and protect their interests by collective action.
Collective Bargaining
It refers to a process by which employers on the one hand and representatives on the other, attempt to arrive at agreements covering the conditions under which employees will contribute and be compensated for their services.
Workers Participation in Management
It is a process by which authority and responsibility of managing industry are shared with workers.
Job Design
It is the process of deciding on the contents of a job in terms of its duties and responsibilities, on the methods to be used in carrying out the job, in terms of techniques, systems and procedures and on the relationships that should exist between the job holder and his superiors, subordinates and colleagues.
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